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Bear Stearns Fund Worthless

  • "The dollar fell to a record low against the euro and dropped versus the yen after Bear Stearns Cos. reported hedge fund losses, fueling speculation investors will spurn U.S. assets as the economy slows. " source: bloomberg
  • "Black Pearl, co-founded by Jim Midanek and John Pak in 2002, will invest up to $500 million in mortgage securities that have been tarnished amid increased risk-aversion in the sector, the managers said in a statement. The subprime market is approaching a point where "widespread price dislocation" is likely, Pak said in the statement." source: reuters
  • "The net value of assets in Bear's highly indebted fund, High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Fund, is wiped out, according to people familiar with the matter, who were briefed on the contents of a late-afternoon call with brokers. The net value of assets in its other, larger, less-leveraged fund is roughly 9% of the value at the end of March, these people said. The net-asset value represents the value of an investor's holdings after debts have been paid." source:
  • "Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, tonight warned that the downturn in the troubled US housing market would get worse before it got better as he pledged action by the central bank to rein in abuses in the sub-prime mortgage market." source:The guardian